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Launch of ISC Education Platform

Those who join will gain instant access to the following


- Book your place at any of our 11 education events across India in May & June this year


- Education Hub, including over 100+ education videos designed to increase your performance, results and income


- Live Coaching Calls, covering multiple topics and posing for all male categories in both ICN & NPC


- Q&A Forum, where you can ask any questions, meet members and learn from our educators


- Community Instagram Chat, so you can get to know other likeminded members 


Growth of Educational Content

During April we will be taking onboard feedback and requests from members to create on demand content for our community, alongside other already planned projects mentioned below


- Podcast Interviews, that will focus on proving highly valuable information from guests who have achieved a high level of success in their chosen craft


- On demand video content, requested from our members via the Education Hub



First Education Events in India

During May we will be conducting the first 4 education events in Surat, Ahmedabad, Mumbai & Pune alongside creating new training content for the site


- 4 Education Events, in Surat, Ahmedabad, Mumbai & Pune (Book your place via ticket page)


- New Training Content, ranging from full session breakdowns to highly specific topics


- ISC Advanced Education in Coaching Excellence Certification, will be awarded to all members who attend our education events across india


Second Education Events in India

Throughout June we will be conducting the remaining  7 education events alongside continuing to add additional content from both our events, training & posing classes so you can experience the entire trip with us


- 7 Education Events, in Delhi, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Coimbatore & Bengaluru (Book your place via ticket page)


- Unique content from our first events, as each event will have its own unique guests and speakers


- New Posing Content, full breakdowns of poses for ICN & IFBB recorded by our team pro's and coaches 

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Contest Prep Content & Posing Course 

During July both coaches Jake & Ashwin will be in prep and competing internationally, documenting their individuals journeys, experiences and providing incredibly helpful prep focussed content for the site


- Contest Prep Videos, ranging from vlog style videos to specific tips and advice for athletes


- Posing MasterClass Course, we will be creating our first ISC Course that will cover posing for all male athlete classes and will teach you everything you need to master your own posing and that of your clients


- ISC Posing Coach Certification, on completion of this course you will receive this certification


Advanced Athlete Education

 Throughout August we will be adding a number of educational videos, podcasts and and guides for Athletes or anyone looking to compete at the highest level


- Advanced Prep Education, videos and podcasts centred around the topic of achieving pro level conditioning and results 


- Advanced Bodybuilding Posing, where we'll be covering pro level NPC/IFBB bodybuilding posing which will be applicable for ICN also



Peak Week & Training Programs

Throughout September we will be adding a new section to the site which will give all members access to FREE downloadable training programs of all levels they can use for themselves and clients


- Training Programs, for all levels that will be free to download and use for both yourselves and your clients


- Peak Week Education, full documentation of peak week approaches and in-depth videos on these topics


ISC Contest Prep Course

In October we will be launching our ISC Contest Prep Course which will cover every aspect of a contest prep so you can prepare clients for competition to achieve the highest level of results


- Contest Prep Course, our official contest prep course will be launched on the site to all members


- ISC Contest Prep Coach Certification, on completion of this course you will receive this certification


- New Educational Videos, covering the topics of contest prep 

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Coaching Mastery Course

In November we will be bringing you the ISC Coaching Mastery Course, this will teach you how to provide exceptional service and results to become an elite level coach or trainer


- Coaching Mastery Course, which will teach high level customer service, coaching and results


- ISC Coaching Mastery Certification, on completion of this course you will receive this certification


- New Educational Videos, covering the topics of customer service and coaching clients to achieve high level results


Buisness, Sales & Marketing Course

In December we will launch our Business, Sales and Marketing Course which will teach you how to build a brand, effectively market your services and acquire new paying clients 


- Business, Sales & Marketing Course, which will teach the skills you need to create, market and sell your coaching or PT services in both India and abroad


- ISC Business, Sales & Marketing Certification, on completion of this course you will receive this certification


- New Educational Videos, covering the topics of business, sales and marketing 

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